Episode Summary

What can energy companies learn from the history of business disruption? Here's a preview of our season to come.

Episode Notes

Illuminators is a show about the forces changing business. What can energy companies learn from them?

Like in many other industries — manufacturing, retail, media, hospitality — leaders of utilities have a very difficult task. They can’t avoid change. They have to embrace it.

This show will borrow from some of those industries.

We’ll explore topics like: What can JC Penney’s flop tell us about knowing your customer?

What can Thomas Edison teach us about corporate innovation?

What does the second act for Google Glass tell us about the surprising ways that tech evolves?

And what’s the role of big corporations in solving big problems like climate change?

This is a show two kinds of people — energy nerds fascinated by the wider world of business. And people in business who want to learn from stories of disruption.

Illuminators is a new podcast from Uplight. Subscribe right now on Apple, Spotify or anywhere you get your podcasts.